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If you read that sunrise part of the blog title and thought to yourself, “I’m not really an early bird; I’m not sure if a sunrise elopement is right for me and my partner,” I challenge you to read this with an open mind.
Don’t worry; I’m not here to convince you to dive into an early-morning-pre-sun routine for your everyday life. But I do think there are some major must-consider benefits to choosing a sunrise elopement.
And if you’re a couple who’s seeking intimacy, gorgeous views, and a little elopement magic on your day, you might want to hear me out about sunrise elopements.
Four Reasons Eloping Couples Should Consider Sunrise Elopements
I want to jump right out in front of these reasons and say this: if you 100% don’t enjoy the morning, think a morning elopement would be less than amazing for you, and genuinely dread the idea of waking up before the sun to start your day, don’t do it.
Yes, all the reasons I’m about to list are valid and true. But opting for an early morning elopement if you’re not gungho about it is never the answer. Remember, your elopement day is never about “getting through it.”
It’s always about enjoying and savoring every second of it, so just be aware that if you’ve got zero doubts that you’d dread a before-sunrise wake-up call, there’s no reason you ever have to do that.
But! If you are a little more on board with the idea of waking up early to get the most out of your specific location or love the idea of eloping straightaway in the morning, this blog is absolutely directed toward you!
Let’s Just Face it–Some Places Photograph Better in the A.M.
Maybe it’s the photographer streak in me, but I genuinely believe that some spots are far more beautiful in the morning light than the evening light. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of sunset elopements, too–but I’m a sucker for a sunrise in a stunning spot.

Maybe there’s nothing scientific or factual about it. Maybe it’s just a feeling. But if you’ve ever stood on a mountainside watching the soft pink alpenglow beam across the world below you, you know what I mean about some places being a little extra magical in the morning. And to me, that sounds like the best moment to share with your partner on your intimate elopement day.
The Crowds Likely Won’t Be a Problem
If you’ve been trying to balance privacy and beauty for your elopement location, you know how tricky it can be to select the perfect spot. Heavily trafficked national parks, like Zion, for example, are heavily trafficked for a reason–they’re stunning. But if you choose a gorgeous spot that’s also popular, you’re going to have to think about how to navigate the crowds.

Consider a sunrise elopement the ultimate hack to getting the best of both worlds. The fact of the matter is that a lot fewer people are going to get up a few hours before the sun to see that gorgeous place. Most of the crowds won’t be forming until after the sun comes up. By that time, you could have hiked to your beautiful destination, driven to the perfect spot, or spent ample time watching the sun rise slowly with your soon-to-be spouse.
Sunrise elopements really do give you a jump on the crowds, allowing you the luxury of experiencing even heavily trafficked areas totally by yourselves.
You Get a Little Location & Time of Year Flexibility
Let’s pretend for a sec that you’re totally sold on eloping in the desert. Now, pretend that you’re totally sold on eloping in, let’s say, June in the desert. You probably know that this isn’t the most ideal time of year to bounce around the desert all day long because of the intense heat. That’s where sunrise elopements can save the day.
Areas that heat up (like Moab, for example) during the summer months often cool down substantially overnight–once the sun goes down, the temperature drops. If you’re sure you want to get married during a hotter month in a hotter area of the country, a sunrise elopement can help you take full advantage of those cooler temps, keeping things nice and comfortable for your ceremony, a hike, and potentially a few hours of activity before things start to heat up.
Then, after a nice break in the day inside some AC for snacks and naps, you can venture back out for more outdoor elopement activities as the sun starts to set and the cool-off process happens all over again.
You’ve Got the Whole Day Ahead of You
If you’re experiencing the magic of your elopement ceremony in the morning, you’ll have spent the first few hours of your day capturing those moments. And while that experience should never be stressful, some couples can feel nervous–if you’re spending the whole day waiting for those moments, you might spend some of it feeling anxious.

If you think that might be true for you, it can be beneficial to have your elopement ceremony in the morning so you can enjoy and experience it all right away. Then, the rest of the day can unfold without any nervous jitters left!
Plus, if you know you want to pack quite a bit into your day, you can ensure you’re starting early enough to get a little bit of everything into elopement.
Sunrise or Sunset–Let’s Make Your Elopement Day Amazing
Want my hot take on elopements? No matter what time of day you pick, you really can’t go wrong. I think there’s a perfect time of day for every couple–it just depends on what they think is best for them.
Love the idea of a sunrise elopement–beating the crowds, enjoying the cooler weather, hiking up somewhere in the moonlight? Do it. More of a sunset on the mountaintop kinda couple? That’s cool, too.
No matter what you envision for your day, the primary focus should be you, your partner, and creating a moment in time you want to relive over and over.
And that last part? Well, that’s something I can help you with. If you’re ready to experience an elopement that’s a perfect fit for you, I’m ready to help.