
Southern Utah Elopement | C + E

February 21, 2022

With most of the Utah elopement focus being on the stunning red rocks or the shimmering Salt Flats, the white rocks of southern Utah can at times feel neglected. And they deserve love too! This southern Utah elopement is luxury meets adventure.

Welcome to this wonderful day filled with love from the couple and their family celebrating with them.

This southern Utah elopement is also visual proof of the benefits of choosing a photographer that is familiar with your dream elopement area!

We usually have a secret spot or two up our sleeves.

C + E specifically requested an area with white rock. It was very important to them to appreciate the beauty in nature and enjoy a private moment among the impressive rocks.

There is one thing I’d like to stress that their elopement planning brought out.

We hear a lot about how elopements have no rules. How your elopement day can (and should) be tailored to you and what YOU both want. But sometimes we can find that we have preconceived notions of elopement days.

And I admired that Cassandra and Erik didn’t let something that silly get in the way of what they wanted. Not even for one second.

On a first glance two seemingly different things were important to them on their big day. They emphasized that both family and spending time alone was necessary for them. And while it may seem that it would be too difficult to coordinate all in one day, they found the perfect balance for their adventurous wedding day.

So how did this southern Utah elopement run so smoothly while including both?

Some serious timeline planning and attention to detail!

Every part of the day was intentionally prepared. Cassandra and Erik planned to have designated time with their family. They included them in ways that were special to all of them.

Gifts were exchanged, ceremony rituals took place, and photos with everyone were taken. After their ceremony and the special time they spent with their loved ones, it was time to soak in the moment alone. Their family headed back to their lovely Airbnb, and the couple absorbed the fact that they did it.

They were finally married!

Even I walked away to give them the space to just be with each other. I photographed them from a distance while they held hands, exchanged meaningful gifts, and read the private vows they prepared to tell each other.

The way they thought everything out with so much love and intention was truly special to be a part of.

They didn’t allow outside influence to determine any part of their elopement. Instead, THEY decided what was important to them, and they stood by it. And because of that, they celebrated exactly the way they dreamed of.

And after a spectacular outfit change, (Scroll all the way to the bottom to see Cassandras second dress, I promise it’s worth it.)They headed back to their Airbnb where their families awaited to further celebrate their day!

What better way is there to celebrate than with amazing food? Absolutely none!

So their lovely moms prepared a wonderful meal and they celebrated the addition to the family for the rest of the night, together.

Flowers | Bloomers

Southern Utah Elopement wedding bouquet
Southern Utah Elopement bridesmaid helping bride get dressed
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement groom in gray suit
Southern Utah Elopement first look
Southern Utah Elopement bride and groom portraits
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement bride and father of the bride
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement ceremony
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement bride and mother of the bride
Southern Utah Elopement father of the bride
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement bride and groom private moment
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement black and white portrait
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement bride and groom dancing
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement bride and groom hiking
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement
Southern Utah Elopement champagne pop
Southern Utah Elopement bride and groom Champagne pop

And that’s all folks! I’m so glad you were able to enjoy this elopement day through photos. And I hope it reminded you to plan your day with intention, not traditions!

If you want to travel somewhere epic to say your “I Do’s” you can always contact me here! Let’s capture your love on camera.


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Hey! I'm Alex.

I am the fun-loving and enthusiastic person behind the adventurous photos. Photos to me are about capturing you and telling your story of your time spent with me. Sure, I love pictures in epic landscapes, but what's more important to me is connecting with you and capturing what makes you, "you." While creating art that you will love and cherish for forever and be proud to share with generations to come.

Want to work with me?!?!

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